
Creation Has a Heart Beat
This poem is another view of how the process of manifestation between the formless and the form moves. In this poem, the metaphor I am using to bring this idea to life is the heart and the pumping of life through the sound and action of a heart beat.

The Breath of Creation
I have been reflecting on the movement of creation between formless and form. How do things come into being and then pass away. I decided to include two versions that address my ponderings.

Grief Dancer
Grief Dancer is a poem I wrote as a response to the movement of grief as what we love slips away.

Time Without Edges
This poem expresses my sense of time since I have retired from an 8-5 job. It has been reinforced by COVID. I only venture out of the house to buy groceries and to pick up take out food. While I stay busy these days with this new business, my time is my own in a new way.