Akashic Records Readings
Would you like to know:
How to connect with your Spirit Guides more clearly?
How to work with your intuition?
How to release limiting beliefs and behaviors?
How to solve current problems in relationships, career, and business?
Whether you’ve made any past life contracts with someone you know in your current life?
How to release unhelpful past life vows (such as vows of obedience, poverty, suffering, self-punishment, and so on)?
How to heal old wounds and traumas?
A one-hour reading of your Akashic Records can get you definitive answers to these matters of the soul. Sessions are available in person or remotely on Zoom, Google Meeting, Skype, and the phone.
“My Akashic records reading session with Paulette was very affirming and grounding. I am leaving this session feeling more connected to my body, my spirit, my relations, and my purpose.”
— Kate Clark
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records, also known as "The Book of Life” can be thought of as the universe's super-computer system--or perhaps what today would be called cloud computing. They are the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. These records contain our every thought, deed, word, feeling, and intent.
They have a tremendous influence on our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings, our belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us. The records also contain information on other objects and live beings. Edwin Laszlo, Nobel prize-winning scientist has connected this field to science in his book, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything.
What is an Akashic Record Reading?
I conduct Akashic Record readings in person, on the phone, Zoom, Skype, Google Meeting or other requested remote technology. My Akashic Record readings that last between 45 min and an hour. I record the session for your benefit. The cost for a reading is based on a sliding scale.
You can only request a reading for yourself. You can request a reading on an object or animal that you own at least 50%. Akashic Record readings are not done for anyone under 19. Reading the Akashic Records is not fortune-telling. It is a soul reading that encompasses your past, present and future lives. The Records don’t like to give “yes” or “no” answers, which are too simplistic. The answers you receive from the Records will be more complex and nuanced than that. Besides, the Records — and the benevolent spirit guides and light beings who work within them — want to empower you to make your own choices based on the information you receive. They don’t want to make choices for you.
How do I prepare for an Akashic Record Reading?
In my own work with clients, I don’t ask for too much advance preparation before a reading. I do ask my clients to think about 3-5 pressing issues or questions they would like to explore together. However, I don’t want the questions in advance, as that might get me thinking about the reading ahead of time. I prefer to come to the reading as fresh as possible so I can allow the most relevant information and energy to come through in the moment, without any preconceived ideas or agendas.
You want to be receptive and open before you come to your session or reading. This just means getting clear a day or a few hours prior to the reading. Meditate, pray, do yoga, don’t watch the news, do some journaling, don’t drink alcohol — whatever works to clear your mind and open your heart to the information you will be receiving.
Also, don’t be nervous about receiving specific information about your job, relationship, marriage, life purpose, or any other question. Getting information about something doesn’t mean you have to act on it immediately. By accessing the Akashic Records, all you’re doing is gathering some useful information, like a spiritual detective.
You don’t have to act on the information right away. You might need to digest it or think it over for a while. And that’s okay. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself and don’t scare yourself into thinking that, for example, if the Records tell you that your current job is not in your highest good, you will have to quit the next morning. You are still in control of your life experience. Just gather the information and then use it as best you can.
Sample Questions
Sample questions are given below to assist you in writing your own questions for the session. You can use some of them or create your own questions. Try to craft questions that will yield complex, interesting answers. At the same time, you don’t want to go too broad with questions like, “What is my soul purpose?” Sure, it sounds like a great question, but something a bit more specific — like, “What is my soul purpose right now?” or “What is my soul purpose and how can I apply it?” — can help you get even clearer and more useful information. Let’s dive into the questions:
What is my soul purpose right now?
How can I better align with my soul purpose?
How can I align my soul purpose with my job/career?
Why haven’t I been able to heal issue X or Y?
What’s limiting me from manifesting greater abundance?
What beliefs and ideas did I inherit from my family?
What beliefs and ideas have I internalized from my culture?
What role(s) did I play in my past lives?
Did I ever make a past life vow? If so, what kind of vow? How can I release it if it’s not serving me?
What is my current illness/condition teaching me? Am I carrying this lesson from a past life? How can I finally “get it”?
What is my current relationship teaching me? Am I carrying this lesson from a past life?
What is my most important role in this lifetime?
How can I use my talents to serve others?
Where does my [addiction, compulsion, behavior] originate from?
What is my [addiction, compulsion, behavior] protecting me from?
How can I release my [addiction, compulsion, behavior]?
How can I release this pattern of toxic relationships?
How can I release my feelings of [shame, guilt, anger, jealousy, fear]?
Have I felt those feelings in past lifetimes? Why?
Did I know person X in a past lifetime? What was our connection then?
Did I make a past life contract with person X? What was the nature of the contract? How can I release this outdated or unhelpful past life contract?
How can I feel excited about my purpose again?
Where does my sensitivity come from? How can I use it in this lifetime?
How can I set and enforce stronger boundaries in my life? Why has it been so hard for me to speak up + stand up for myself in this lifetime?
Was I ever persecuted, banished, or tortured for my spiritual gifts in a past lifetime?
How can I release that trauma and reclaim my spiritual gifts?
How can I get along better with people in this lifetime?
Did I know my family/relative in a past life? What was our relationship then? How is it still carrying over now? Using any of these questions in your next Akashic Records reading will help you access clearer and more helpful information.
“The Akashic Records offer empowerment and transformation by lending us exactly the wisdom, guidance, and energetic support that we need in this lifetime. For centuries, the records—the energetic archive of souls’ past, present, and future possibilities—were the exclusive domain of mystics, saints, and scholars. No longer!” - Linda Howe