About this workshop
Aging is a developmental stage as powerful as the stages of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Moving from one stage to another is an expansion of awareness and being in the world. In our culture, the images of aging often keep us frozen in an adult stage of development while our bodies are clearly aging. This program is designed to immerse participants in experiences that will develop critical skills elders need for internal development and external service.
DEADLINE for registration is August 7, 2020.
The program will include a series of eight- 1 ½ hour workshop sessions from 2:00-3:30 EST (Aug 1, 8, 15, 22, Sept 5,12,26, Oct. 3) using Zoom.
Sessions will be recorded for those who can’t attend a session.
The workshops are highly interactive and engaging.
View the flier to learn more.
Co-sponsored by Sage-ing International and the Guild for Spiritual Guidance.
Stepping Over the Theshold to Eldering
This program is designed to immerse participants in experiences that will develop critical skills elders need for internal development and external service.