Spiritual Regression Trek…WHAT? Part 2

My Personal Spiritual Regression Trek Experiences

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I had two opportunities to experience a spiritual regression trek.  The first one my intention was to understand why I chose my parents in this life.  The second was shaped by my question, “What do I need to know for my current life?”  Each experience was shaped by my intention or the question I wanted to explore. 

The first experience was shorter and only part of the my intention and overall regression journey.  In this portion of the journey, I was taken by a guide to a room with elders around a semi-circular table.  One elder in particular, a older woman with long gray hair and shamanic looking, kept pulling my intention.  She ended up being the spokeswoman for me in this council.  In addition to the information she told me about why I had chosen my mother and my father, she also told me that it was time for me to think bigger about what I was doing with my healing work.  While I would continue to do one-on-one work with individuals, I needed to begin to seriously write and teach. 

In the second experience, I found myself first in a pitch-black space where I knew I had a consciousness but nothing else.  When I rose above this space and into light, I no longer had a physical body, but I was a light being.  I met my guide and I was taken to a place with huge crystals in front.  There was an opening and it looked like a giant crystal geode. It was connected to energy like strings that were sensors out to the universe.  Inside the geode were 8 light beings.  They were manifesting healing energy for places in the universe that called for it.  This energy was created at a particular frequency.  They showed me colors, but they told me that it could have just as easily been sound.  They stood in a circle and concentrated the energy in the middle. The energy formed into a packet that could be sent along this string network.  It was like we create zip files to condense the file size for easier delivery on computer networks.  Once the energy was received at a destination it was opened and dispersed.  I was told that only 3 members of the group incarnate at a time and can only bring 30% of their soul to the incarnation.  The 70% left behind was needed for the group to do their energetic tasks.  The incarnation of a soul enabled not only for the soul to progress on its spiritual journey, but also brought enlarged capacity to the groups’ ability to manifest healing energy.  I was also told that I was to form these groups of 8 to not only elevate the spiritual awareness of each member in the group, but also to bring larger healing energy charges to the world.   

During both of these experiences, my energetic vibration was elevated enabling me to receive and understand the messages.  Both had healing and transformative effects when I came back into ordinary reality.  They felt more real and more expansive than the reality we live in each day.  The meaning and impact of the journeys unfolded over the next weeks and months. 

Rev Paulette Robinson, PhD

Rev Paulette Robinson, PhD has been a contemplative shamanic practitioner for over 20 years. She is dedicated to the energetic healing, integration and well-being of her clients. She also works as a writer, teacher as well as a spiritual, elder and life coach. She has a Master’s degree in Comparative Religion from the University of Hawaii. Her PhD is in adult education. She is a graduate of the 2-year Apprenticeship Program with the Guild for Spiritual Guidance. She is a trained certified facilitator in Individual, Family and Organizational Systemic Constellations. She has completed her certificate in past-life regression hypnosis with Atlantic University. Finally, She is an appointed minister with the Circle for the Sacred Earth.


Spiritual Regression Trek… WHAT? Part 3


Spiritual Regression Trek… WHAT? Part 1